ALUVA: A woman lost Rs 70,000 in an online banking scam and recovered it due to the intervention of the cyber police. The Paravur resident lost the money on her credit card. Last month, she had a credit card bill of around Rs 80,000. Even after paying this amount, she received frequent phone calls informing her that the bill had not been paid.
She then contacted the bank’s customer care number. Unaware that this was the number of the online scam group, she downloaded the suggested app and provided the card details. Later, the balance of Rs 70,000 on the credit card was transferred three times.
After receiving the complaint, a special team of cyber police was formed under the supervision of district police chief K Karthik. The money that was stolen was frozen without allowing it to credit into the scammer’s account. Then action was taken to return the money to the woman’s account.
The scam was perpetrated by a North Indian online scam group. The probe was extended to find the culprits.