Are you considering a New Year’s resolution to lose weight or save money for retirement?
What about resolving to be a savvy consumer as well?
Better Business Bureau suggests trying out new habits that can help you avoid scams and find trustworthy businesses that offer the services or products you need.
BBB Scam Tracker is a great place to start learning about scams that are popping up in your geographic area. Consumers also can report scams and tell BBB whether they’ve lost any money. BBB shares information with law enforcement agencies, who try to shut down the perpetrators. Scam Tracker is available online at
Common red flags of scams are requests for money using wire transfers or prepaid cards before any service is provided. Often, online scammers use poor grammar and spelling. Phone scams may try to gain your confidence by implying they’re with a major company, your bank or credit card company. Don’t take their word for it. Look up the customer service phone number on a bill or online and call the company to verify that the call is legitimate.
IRS-imposter scams steal millions of dollars every year, according to the IRS, and the scams often rank near the top of BBB’s list of scams reported to BBB Scam Tracker. Consumers report receiving calls from people…