Cash apps, wiring money, and gift cards aren’t accepted by law enforcement as payment. A caller asking for those payments is a scammer.
FORSYTH COUNTY, N.C. — So many people got a call about missing jury duty this week, a Triad law enforcement agency had to put out a scam alert on its social media pages. Here’s the rundown:
You get a call and the person on the other end says you got a jury duty summons in the mail, but you never showed up and now you’re in trouble. Law enforcement is ready to take you to jail unless you pay the fine right now. This is a scam. It makes the rounds. It may sound official, but it’s not. Take it from the ones who know.
“The scammers will say you missed jury duty and we’re going to come to pick you up if you don’t pay all this money at once. They’re after that convenience, they want you to get that gift card or pay with Paypal or Venmo or whatever they can, to convince you this is going to go away very quickly if you pay,” said Sgt. PL Stringer of the Forsyth County Sheriff’s office.
The Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office posted a scam alert on Facebook. In the post, it confirms no law enforcement agency is going to contact you out of the blue and demand payment over the phone. It’s not…